Grace On-Demand
Grace On-Demand

Grace On-Demand

Your Virtual Wellness Sanctuary

 Strong Body. Strong Mind. Soulful Spirit.

Start Your 7-Day FREE Trial
Unlimited Access
Unlimited Access

Practice Anytime, Anywhere!

Enjoy unrestricted 24/7 access to our video library, all for the price of a single drop-in class. Explore new classes added monthly, designed to enhance your strength, flexibility, and balance. It includes upcoming collections tailored for inspired self-care.

Create Your Practice
Create Your Practice

Explore Four Yoga Styles!

Craft your unique practice by choosing classes from our diverse range of four styles. Each yoga category is carefully designed to complement the others, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling experience.

Power of Breath
Power of Breath

Anchor Your Practice with Breath!

Discover empowering breathing techniques in Pranayama to enhance stamina and maintain focused mindfulness. Cultivate both physical and mental well-being by tapping into the transformative power of your breath.

Stay Strong
Stay Strong

Empower Your Core!

As the powerhouse of your body, a strong core is essential for injury prevention, alleviating back pain, ensuring stability, and boosting balance. Enhance your core strength with CoreFit classes.


Main Video Library by Categories

Create a Powerful, Versatile Practice Tailored to Your Level.

Choose from four distinct yoga styles—Functional Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, CoreFit, and Restore & Recover—each offering a unique approach to enhance your practice. Additionally, explore three specialized collections: Weekly Programs, Yoga Therapeutics, and Yoga for Athletic Performance (COMING SOON!), along with a dedicated section focusing on the art of breathing, Pranayama.

Customize your practice effortlessly with filters for level and duration, putting you in control of your wellness journey. Building your practice empowers you, and remember, a balanced routine includes strength, flexibility, balance, recovery and breathwork.

Stay inspired with our monthly newsletter, highlighting new classes, collections, live classes, wellness programs, and events.

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Functional Yoga

Immerse yourself in the transformative experience of Functional Yoga, where the primary focus is on cultivating strength, fostering flexibility, and honing balance. This practice goes beyond the ordinary, directing attention to specific muscle groups and thematic elements.

Vinyasa Yoga

Elevate your well-being with Vinyasa Yoga, a practice designed for comprehensive body conditioning. By seamlessly integrating breath with movement, it not only enhances stamina but also strengthens your core, maintains flexibility, and cultivates balance.



Unleash the power within with CoreFit, a specialized program dedicated to fortifying your core strength—the vital powerhouse of your body. This unique fusion seamlessly integrates Pilates, Yoga, and the principles of Isometrics for a dynamic and effective approach to strengthening your core.

Restore & Recover

Experience the rejuvenating embrace of Restore & Recover, a dedicated practice centered on restoring your body's natural balance. Rooted in therapeutic principles, these practices are intricately designed to empower your body in its innate healing process.


Dive into the art of Pranayama, the practice of breath regulation, essential for your yoga journey. Explore diverse breathing techniques showcased in this section, seamlessly integrated throughout each category to enhance your overall practice.

Weekly Programs

We've assembled mini collections of classes to provide you with a comprehensive weekly practice. Grouped according to varying levels, they allow you to work at a pace that best suits your abilities.

Yoga Therapeutics

Discover our specialized programs crafted to heal and maintain specific areas of your anatomy, offering tailored practices for overall well-being, whether you seek relief or aim to strengthen and maintain health.

Yoga for Athletic Performance

Yoga for Athletic Performance focuses on conditioning and strengthening for specific sports. It addresses repetitive-stress patterns, helping to release and rebalance the body.


Strong is the New Skinny!

Keeping your body strong is the cornerstone of good physical health, especially as we age. Staying flexible and practicing balance are equally important. Yoga offers a system that addresses all three areas in addition to providing mental health benefits. Yoga is a meditative practice which helps your mind to focus.

Strength requires effort, flexibility demands practice, and staying balanced thrives on commitment.

For the past decade, Grace Junek has expertly led thousands of classes catering to diverse age groups and fitness levels. With extensive experience in one-on-one sessions, she has crafted a distinctive program blending complementary yoga styles tailored to different skill levels. Committed to empowering and inspiring others, Grace believes:

"As strength builds, so does belief in our own boundless potential."

Our online classes provide:

  • Clear cues for precise alignment and proper form.

  • Demonstrations of options catering to different skill levels.

  • Guidance on the correct use of props.

  • Support in mastering diverse breathing techniques.

  • Anatomical insights and valuable safety tips.

Commit to your well-being and make our wellness sanctuary a part of your lifestyle today. We stand by the belief that yoga meets you exactly where you are. It's never too late to start!

Experience the Ultimate Portability of Your Practice!

Enjoy 24/7 access to your favorite classes on your mobile phone (IOS and Android), iPad, laptop, or via stream casting to compatible displays like smart TVs, Google Chromecast, or Apple TV.

Bring your practice with you on your next trip!

Whether you've had a long car ride, spent hours sightseeing, or enjoyed a full day of hiking, rejuvenate your body with classes from the Restore & Recover category.

Dive into sessions like Gentle Yoga and Stretch & Mobility to renew your body for the adventures of the next day. Even a brief Breathing Meditation can leave you feeling refreshed.

Your practice is truly wherever you are. <3

watch on your mobile

Testimonials for Our Program

"Grace On-Demand delivers far more than just an online yoga program. Grace invites you into her serene studio with exceptional video and audio quality, making you feel like you're attending a live class. attending an in-person/live class.  She is highly skilled and makes it easy to follow along.

"As someone recovery from a knee and back injury, I found her video library easy to navigate, with many options that accommodated my current limitations.  easy to navigate and there were many that suited my present limitations. Yoga Therapeutics and Restore & Recover are my favorites right now.
"  ~Lisa Cabral MacKenzie 

"G.O.D saved my life! I love Grace's classes and attend them in person whenever possible. I travel a lot for work, and G.O.D has kept my mental and physical health on track during my trips. It was especially critical during trips when I injured my foot and had to have it immobilized. I couldn't walk, and the boot forced me to be unbalanced, causing massive back pain and other issues due to incorrect posture and movement.

"G.O.D saved my days. I took several stretching classes that were amazing for restoring my mobility and reducing the pain. Without these classes, I wouldn't have been able to sleep well for several nights. I love being able to choose classes based on how much time I have each day and focus on the specific body part or movement my body needs. I am very, very grateful for Grace On-Demand." 
~Nadja Andrade

Hello from Grace!

A brief, heartfelt message from your instructor and teacher, Grace Junek. In this message, she shares insights into three important attributes our bodies tend to lose as we age.

Subscription Info

For Optimal Results:

The best way to maximize this video program: 

1-Establish a Dedicated Space in your home.
Success is more readily achieved when your tools are ready to go.

2-Put Your "Self" on the Calendar!

Schedule dedicated time on your calendar that suits you best and commit to it.

3-Set a Personal Goal.

Aim to complete at least two to three classes a week, or complete one collection.

4-Stay Committed!

Life will throw curveballs and you will veer off course...without much ado,

just get back on track.

Keep in mind, half the battle is showing up.

That's the key to success.

Start Your 7-Day Trial Today